Hi, this is my rants regarding computer sciences and socials. Currently my profession is a software developer, I love creating things that purposeful using computer , and
. Delights? I am ..mostly caffeinated ;)
Into My HeartI tried to find Him on the Christian cross, but
He was not there; I went to the Temple of the
Hindus and to the old pagodas, but I could not
find a trace of Him anywhere.
I searched on the mountains and in the valleys
but neither in the heights nor in the depths was
I able to find Him. I went to the Caaba in
Mecca, but He was not there either.
I questioned the scholars and philosophers but
He was beyond their understanding.
I then looked into my heart and it was there
where He dwelled that I saw Him; He was
nowhere else to be found.
--Jalaluddin Rumi
Insight : Golden RulesAll truth are simple, these are --very-- basic law of ethics
What you put, it's what you get back
You reap what you sow
vedic:This is the sum of all true righteousness
...Treat others, as thou wouldst thyself be treated. Do nothing to thy neighbor, which hereafter Thou wouldst not have thy neighbor do to thee.
buddha:Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.
nazarenes: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, for this is the law of the prophets
muslims:Do unto all men as you would wish to have done unto you; and reject for others what you would reject for yourselves.