Hi, this is my rants regarding computer sciences and socials. Currently my profession is a software developer, I love creating things that purposeful using computer , and
. Delights? I am ..mostly caffeinated ;)
Insight : The Road To PosthumanityA small sketch of possible methods to expand our capacity:
- Mental techniques to improve our effective intelligence, memory capacity, train our creativity, motivation and efficiency .
Exists, in most cases proven and easy to use. See for example psychological tricks and intelligence amplification.
- Simple neurochemical tools (nootropics [2], imprint-erasing drugs [3], mood enhancements [4])
o nootropics : Their efficiency is debatable, but it is possible to optimize brain chemistry, for example by regulating food intake. Currently nootropic drugs are probably more a complement to other mental techniques
o imprint -erasing drugs : More research is needed to learn how to use them safely and efficiently.
o mood enhancements : Known for millennia, but in definite need of improvement. See "The Hedonistic Imperative" by David Pearce for an overview and a sketch of a posthuman mental state.
- Computer aids for thinking and communication (hypermedia, Internet, mobile and wearable computers [5]).
Already exists, and are under fast development. Better user interfaces are however needed.
- Diet and excercise to improve health and slow ageing [6], possibly combined with antioxidants and melatonin.
Traditional preventative care strives to reduce or avoid various diseases and states of unhealth, and is mostly very tried and tested. Calorie restriction and similar more radical methods are not yet well tested on humans, but appear to be promising.